Player extends Fighter and it used to easily create Fighter class based on discord.js User.




armor: number = 0.1

Amount of damage blocked when Fighter gets attacked

attack: number = 10

Damage dealt when attack

critChance: number = 0.3

Percentage to get critical attack

critDamage: number = 1.2

Critical attack percentage increment

equippedArmors: Armor[] = []

Array of equipped armors

equippedWeapons: Weapon[] = []

Array of equipped weapons

hp: number = 100

Fighter's health point

id: string

Fighter unique id

imageUrl?: string

Image to represent this Fighter

name: string

Fighter name

pet?: Pet

Fighter's Pet

skill?: Skill

Fighter's Skill

user: User


  • MessageEmbed that represents this Fighter. Passing another Fighter in this method will make comparison between this Fighter stat with the other


    Returns EmbedBuilder

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